The Dental Lab Unveiled: A Dual Perspective for Clinical and Forensic Applications
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Date & Time
Thursday, July 18, 2024, 3:30 PM - 5:30 PM
Derik Sven

Key Takeaways Include:

  • An Advanced discussion on the increasingly popular “All-on-4” prosthesis, exposing some unsettling realities and rarely discussed facts about the procedure.
  • Value for clinicians interested in forensic dentistry, exploring the forensic implications of dental restorations in investigations, where dental evidence often plays a pivotal role.
  • Revelation of shocking facts about the industry's regulation—or lack thereof— and the consequential effects on oral health standards. This aspect is particularly relevant in forensic contexts, where the quality and specificity of dental work can provide essential clues.

Upon completion of this course participants will:

  • Describe the basic process of fabricating the three major types of dental lab restorations.
  • Identify these materials radiographically and clinically.
  • Summarize usage indications for each material.
  • Discover practical knowledge for treating patients with highly restored teeth.
  • Recognize iatrogenic causes of periodontitis.
  • Judge the consequences deregulation has on substandard restorations, patient autonomy and records.

How much do you know about the dental laboratory—a key, yet often unseen, member of the dental team? Can you accurately identify restorative materials both clinically and radiographically? How do prosthodontic materials affect periodontal health?
Join this unique course led by a Certified Dental Technician (CDT), turned dental hygienist, as he pulls back the curtain on the dental laboratory, guiding his peers through the intricate process of fabricating a dental prosthesis – from simple inlays to latest implant-supported restorations.

Location Name
Colorado C
Full Address
Gaylord Rockies Resort & Convention Center
6700 N Gaylord Rockies Blvd
Aurora, CO 80019
United States
Session Logo

CEU Credits: 2