KEYNOTE SESSION - Discovering Your Seeds of Greatness
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Date & Time
Friday, July 19, 2024, 8:00 AM - 10:00 AM
Michelle Prince

“Man was designed for accomplishment, engineered for success and endowed with the seeds of greatness!” – Zig Ziglar

Within you lies greatness.  You were born with a purpose that only you can fulfill.  You have "seeds of greatness!" The sooner you identify and embrace the value you bring, the happier and more successful you'll be. In this presentation, Michelle will walk you through a 7-step framework to help you discover the greatness within you and how to leverage the power of your story to make a difference!

7-Step Framework

  1. Passion - How to identify your passions and why it's important.  (hint...passion is a clue to your purpose)
  2. Purpose - What's your purpose?  We all have a purpose but until we identify it, our priorities won't be clear
  3. Priorities - How to identify high-priority tasks and create a game plan that ensures success
  4. Performance - How to take massive action and perform at your best
  5. Platform - What's your story?  What value do you bring to your business, your relationships...the world? Steps to identify your story/value
  6. Prosperity - Moving from success to significance.  How to use your gifts and talents to impact others
  7. Peace - Peace is knowing that you have used all of your “seeds of greatness” and the gifts given to you to make an impact in this world   

Each step in the framework builds upon each other and fits perfectly into a crossword puzzle for attendees to fill in the blanks and follow along. There will be actionable steps in each part that they'll be able to implement immediately. 

Location Name
Colorado A
Full Address
Gaylord Rockies Resort & Convention Center
6700 N Gaylord Rockies Blvd
Aurora, CO 80019
United States
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CEU Credits: 2